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Donating to Soul Hunter
Thank you for your interest in donating to Soul Hunter. All donations go directly to ministry efforts, such as evangelism tools (tracts and other forms of visual outreach), training materials, meals for volunteers (as needed), fuel costs, monetary support for those in need, and more. At any time, a donor can request a comprehensive printout of ministry finance usage to provide the highest assurance of integrity. We do not own or lease a building, and we do not have paid volunteers at the present time.
Soul Hunter's only respectful request prior to giving, is that the donor prayerfully considers Matthew 6:3, in which Jesus states: But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing...
Click the button or scan the image below with your smartphone to donate:
Soul Hunter will not be able to accommodate any ulterior motives, unspoken or spoken contingencies, reciprocal expectations, or doctrinal/denominational influences. We strive to maintain the highest Biblical/ethical standards, but this is a ministry that is comprised of flawed human beings, and it is likely that we will do something that you do not agree with, and may even let you down in some way. We thank you for your grace and understanding.
God bless you, and thank you for your generosity.

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