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Recommended Churches

Grace Church Logo.png
Good Hope Logo_edited.png
Mahtowa Covenenant Church.png
Big Lake Covennant Church.png

**Click each logo above to be directed to the website for each of these exceptional church options in the Saint Louis County and Carlton County Minnesota areas.


Finding a church can seem like a daunting task, for so many reasons, ranging from the overwhelming number of denominations, to divisions, previous church wounds, etc.  Due to this, many choose not to return to church, or not attend in the first place, which is exactly what the enemy wants (Matthew 12:25, Hebrews 10:25). We often forget that Satan loves to infiltrate and destroy churches through pride, legalistic religion (John 8), and false teaching (2 Timothy 4:3-4) so please do not give up if you have had some hardships (John 16:33).  Jesus, Himself, was betrayed by one of His own disciples, Judas (Luke 22:1-6), and He spent a great deal of time breaking down the prideful hearts of the religious Pharisees; combine this with rejection by His own people (John 1:11-13), rejection from those who would not receive His Gospel, and, most importantly, His death by crucifixion for the sin of the world, we are reminded that Jesus is no stranger to pain and suffering (Isaiah 53:3, John 11:35, Matthew 26:38).  Rest assured, whether you are looking for the first time, considering re-entry, have been wounded by a church, or are searching for a different church, the included churches will offer you an exceptional place to be discipled in a truly loving environment.

The churches above believe in cover to cover Biblical truth, the reality of sin (Romans 6:23), a crystal clear path to heaven through Jesus (John 3, John 5:24, Mark 4:1-20, Romans 10:9-10), adherence to the Word and not the world (Romans 12:2, 1 John 2:15-17), training to bear fruit (Matthew 3:8), and an urgency of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).  A healthy church will help you heal (Mark 2:17), convict your heart (John 16:8-11), push you to be a more fruitful Christian (James 2:18-20, Ephesians 2:10), and instill in you a servant's heart (2 Corinthians 9:17, Matthew 22:36-40, Acts 20:35).  A healthy church model should be a mix of a hospital, classroom, and training facility.  As we near the return of Jesus we need to be encouraging and pushing one another to bear fruit, rather than being a mere consumer on Sunday.  Consumption is necessary for a while, but it must mature into production (Matthew 24:43, Matthew 25).


Always look for alignment with the strengths of the churches that Jesus is looking for as we near His return (Revelation 2).  Remember friend, churches are run by people, and we are all flawed, so despite our best interests, we must humbly use Biblical truth to navigate the selection of a church.  Search for a church like you would a college and not a restaurant, otherwise you will be one bad meal away from leaving in the highly irritable culture of today (Matthew 11:16-19, 24:10-12). You are so precious in the sight of the Lord, friend.  God bless you.

What should I look for in a church?

© 2025 Soul Hunter is a ministry that specializes in evangelism training, accountability groups, on-site baptisms, street ministry, and much more. We exist to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ.                                                                    Uncomfortable sharing the Gospel?  We can help.

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